We support NDIS

NDIS Rates from 1st July 2024

Establishment fee for personal care/community access

This fee applies to all NDIS participants who commence services with Balance Home Services and who receive at least 20 hours of personal care/community access support per month, for three consecutive months. This payment is to cover providers establishing arrangements and assisting participants in implementing their plan.

The establishment fee is a one off fee of $675.60

Assistance with daily personal activities or Assistance with Social and Community Participation

Time Price
Weekday evening

Weekday night $75.82




Public Holiday


night time sleepover (incl 2 hr assist) Billed as an 8 hour block

$286.56 night

house and/or yard maintenance


house cleaning and other household activities



Kilometres accrued in the course of transporting clients or shopping for clients are an out of pocket expense charged to the participant directly at $1 per kilometre. Unless advised otherwise, this will be billed into core funding.

Plan Management

Costs Price
Financial Intermediary and plan management-set up costs $232.35
Financial Intermediary (monthly processing) $104.45